Wednesday, February 24, 2010

PEDD – The Future Tech Gadget

When designing for a futuristic story nowadays it is difficult not to introduce some kind of gadget. Pieces of the future that we hope to emulate. It is not surprising that many of our present day gadgets were inspired by futuristic works like Star Trek and many others. I myself could not shunt away from that idea for my graphic novel Palestine 3000 A.D.. Practically we humans need some kind of tool to help our everyday task. Unlike most of the social statement gadgets of present day, the gadgets in Palestine 3000 A.D. are real necessity for survival.

PEDD Sketch The gadget above is called the PEDD acronym for Personal Encoder-Decoder Device an advance PDA. It is used to analyse things and also to synthesize things on a molecular level. In the third millennium the manufacturing of things are not done by factories but by individuals. The technology is so advanced that even a little boy like the character in the story could synthesize or emulate his own things. The question of where  and how he got it and how much it cost has no parallel to our present time. The reason that I introduced it is because it is an integral part of the story.

PEDD RenderedPEDD is the first 3D model that I did for Palestine 3000 A.D. It is actually the reason that I chose to have 3D references for the project. In the first scene I had tried various camera angles of the boy holding the PEDD. While doing the sketches I had a problem visualizing the PEDD in those various angles because PEDD do not exist in real life. Based on my pencil sketch I was quite sure that it is easy to be model in 3D for I had done 3D models for many years. I am glad that I did because in a 3D environment I came to realized many possibilities and corrected the perception of the initial 2D design. It could also be used as a promotional tool.


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