Sunday, February 27, 2011

Darkon - The Head of the Bastards

I don't have to design villains. They designed themselves for no reason that I couldn't explain. Perhaps it is a disease that they inherited or just a damnation on earth. Such characters don't deserve a righteous Jewish name. For most Jewish names are good inspired by great Prophets and their families.

For the head of 'The Three Bastards' I chose a Judea-Roman name instead because he don’t deserve a righteous Jewish name. I named him Darkon. A blue-eyed, white bleach haired IDF soldier who probably came out of the woodwork of Europe and claimed himself to be Jewish. Probably in the future Israel will be infested all over with this kind.

Darkon was based on a commercial 3D model that I morphed to a point of despicability. I bleached and restyled his hair just like the character Rutger Hauer played in Blade Runner as the Replicant. Though Darkon is not a machine but he behaved like one. No remorsity. Just pure beast. A fine example of an IDF dog. Not just a dog, he is a diseased dog. A kind of disease that will crawl onto your skin so quickly before you know it. If you try to get rid of it they will labeled you as anti-Semitic. While Semite itself is not a disease. They just trick you so that you like the infection and be corrupt like them based on a false advertising of the promised land.
The Zionist disease that creeps into your head will confuse you in differentiating between villains and heroes. As you have seen on the media nowadays you know that disease is already working on you. Lies sound so sweet while reality tasted so bitter. So who is the real hero? The real heroes are the ones who still have their conscience. Not the ones who posed to be one. But Darkon is not pretentious about it. He openly declared to be no good. I don't have to elaborate with his outfit. I just kept it simple. I didn't even attach any military gear on him. The Zionists are prying on my work. I don't intend to reveal it all. It is part of a deception. Lets their brains freak out because deception is a very deadly weapon.

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